If you wish to donate, you can do so by sending via PayPal, the email is ai5hf[4t]hotmail[d0t]com. (Don’t copy and paste :-)).
If you don’t feel like doing that, I have some links that, when you sign up for the service or product, I get a reward. Please consider doing so if it’s something you may like or need:
Linode is a really, really, (REALLY!) awesome vps provider. If you’re in need of speed for your VPS, why not give them a try.
Chunkhost is another VPS provider, a little more on the low end of things, but still respectable. Check them out if you’re in need of a slightly less powerful server.
Dropbox is a service where you can collaborate on documents, share files, and store things securely in the cloud. Sign up and get 500 mb extra on top of the 2 GB you already get!
Hubic is another cloud platform, but this one is designed more for backups and less on sharing. It’s also in France, so benefits from strengent privacy laws if you’re worried about that. Get an extra 5 GB on top of the 25 you get free! Enter the following code: VXPCFB